HCP Affiliation Finder App


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Search for Health Care Providers by multiple attributes such as name, NPI, address, latitude-Longitude


We deliver affiliation data at the Health Care Providers (HCP), Specialty, and Organization (HCO) levels. We automate NPI searches and other business tasks via our basic web application. Our software enables searches by providers’ name, organization, or specialty on all US based CMS registered HCPs showing the proximity to other HCPs as well as their affiliation to HCOs.

Further, the basic tool allows for expanding and tailoring features for your specific required functionality. We have automated business tasks by leveraging affiliation data ranging from CRMs to geo referencing and advanced analytics.

The database is updated once a week after CMS reports any changes in NPI files called NPPES Data Dissemination. Bulk data can be downloaded from https://download.cms.gov/nppes/NPI_Files.html For most personal computers and laptops the set of files will not run or open given its size.

Econometricus also offers bulk data on affiliations available upon request. Keep in mind that the NPI registry provides only data for individuals while lacking the matching process to find the HCP to HCO affiliation.

HCP advanced analytics decks:

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